Best Septoplast Surgeon in Beverly Hills

As the best septoplasty surgeon in Beverly Hills, Dr. Shamouelian treats patients who have a deviated septum. A septoplasty can help patients improve breathing through the nose and reduce their risk of sinus infections due to poor drainage. A septoplasty can also help alleviate other common symptoms caused by a deviated septum, such as frequent nosebleeds and facial pain.

How to Prepare for Septoplasty

During an appointment with the best septoplasty surgeon in Beverly Hills, patients will learn about the benefits and risks of septoplasty. Dr Shamouelian will ask questions about the patient’s medical history to find out which conditions they have or have had in the past and record the names of medications and supplements the patient is currently taking. Dr. Shamouelian will also perform a physical exam to check the skin and the inside and outside of the nose. Photographs of the nose will also be taken and used for reference before, during and after surgery. The patient is encouraged to discuss expectations with Dr. Shamouelian to ensure full satisfaction with the results of the septoplasty. It’s important to avoid taking aspirin or ibuprofen before and after surgery, as these medications can increase bleeding. Patients should also stop smoking to ensure a quick and full recovery. Patients will be instructed to avoid eating or drinking anything after midnight the night before the surgery if they will be going under general anesthesia. This will help prevent vomiting and choking if the patient becomes nauseated from the anesthesia during surgery.

What Happens During Surgery?

Once the patient is under anesthesia, Dr. Shamouelian, the best septoplasty surgeon in Beverly Hills, will make an incision on one side of the nose to access the septum. He will then lift up the mucous membrane and reposition the deviated septum. Dr. Shamouelian will also remove extra pieces of bone and cartilage before repositioning the mucous membrane. Some patients will need stitches to hold the septum and membrane in place, while others may only need to have their nose packed with cotton. The entire procedure may be completed within 30 to 90 minutes, depending on the patient’s unique condition.

The Risks of Septoplasty

The risks of surgery include bleeding, infection and an adverse reaction to the anesthetic. Risks specific to septoplasty include excessive bleeding, a hole in the septum, impaired sense of smell, a change in the shape of the nose, no relief from symptoms (such as nasal obstruction), blood clot in the nasal space that needs to be drained and temporary numbness in the upper gum, teeth or nose.

Contact Us Today

Dr. Shamouelian is a double board certified head and neck and facial plastic surgeon practicing in Beverly Hills. He obtained his Bachelor of Science from the University of California, Los Angeles with Summa Cum Laude honors. Dr. Shamouelian earned his Medical Doctorate from the David Geffen School of Medicine at the University of California, Los Angeles with Alpha Omega Alpha honors and went on to become an award-winning chief resident in the Department of Head and Neck Surgery at the University of California, Irvine. Today, Dr. Shamouelian’s patients consider him the best septoplasty surgeon in Beverly Hills and seek his expertise across a variety of health conditions affecting the ear, nose and throat.

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